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正品|O’RangeRuler 50 bp DNA Ladder, ready-to-use

产品编号: SM0613     查看说明书
产品名称: 正品|O’RangeRuler 50 bp DNA Ladder, ready-to-use  .0   订购此产品 
供应商: MBI
规格: 25 μg
目录价: 834.5925
库存状态: 现货

O'RangeRuler 50 bp DNA Ladder is designed for precise sizing of PCR products and other double-stranded DNA fragments in agarose or non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. It is step ladder with 50 bp differences between the DNA fragments. It consists of purified and ligated blunt ended basic unit repeats of 50 bp. Not recommended for DNA quantification.
O'RangeRuler 50 bp DNA Ladder is supplied with 6X Orange DNA Loading Dye for sample DNA. Orange G dye can be used to monitor DNA migration in agarose or polyacrylamide gels and migrates at 50 bp in a 1% agarose gel. It is the preferable dye when visualization of small DNA fragments is important.
Step ladder with 50 bp increments.
Sharp bands, easy-to-remember fragment sizes.
Evenly spaced reference bands (given in red).
Ready-to-use – premixed with 6X Orange Loading Dye for direct loading and room temperature storage.
Supplied with loading dye for sample DNA.
Quality Control
Well-defined bands are formed during agarose gel electrophoresis.
The absence of nucleases is confirmed by a direct nuclease activity assay.
Storage and Loading Buffer
10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 10 mM EDTA, 0.025% orange G, 0.005% xylene cyanol FF, 10% glycerol.
6X Orange DNA Loading Dye
10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 0.15% orange G, 0.03% xylene cyanol FF, 60% glycerol and 60 mM EDTA.
Store at room temperature or at 4°C for up to 6 months.
For longer periods, store at -20°C.

保存条件: -20℃
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上一个:现货|Prestained Protein Molecular Weight Marker[26612/2x250 μl]
下一个:现货|O’RangeRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder, ready-to-use[SM0623/25 μg]
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